Archive for June, 2019

Independence From Clutter!

Posted on: June 29th, 2019 by Open Space Organizing

So have you decided to declare your freedom from clutter?  Are you looking for more space in your life for summer fun?  Are you struggling to find items you tucked away after last summer?  Have a closet or two holding your suitcases or camping equipment hostage?


The first step is to take baby steps and start with one space.  Pick one table, closet or drawer to tackle TODAY.  Take everything out and decide if you need it – if you truly love it, keep it!  If you don’t REALLY love it, then decide – is it trash or can I give it away?  Once a week, do one space.  Make room to put things away, and cut down on clutter on your tables, counters and shelves.  Give yourself permission to give away things that were gifts or even items you purchased but haven’t used. Their purpose was served – to make you happy in the moment of receiving them or in the moment of purchasing.  But now that time has passed and their usefulness is done.  Let someone else find pleasure in these items.  It will fill your heart with pleasure to gift them away.


Cutting down on what you have in your space, and storing it in a way that is easy to access, slows down your pace of life and leaves you time to spend with  friends and family.


So, let’s enjoy this summer, in peace and independence from clutter in our space!


Make travel and packing easy-breezy!

Posted on: June 10th, 2019 by Open Space Organizing

Enjoy your travels when you can find what you need!No matter where your travels take you this summer, you’ll need to pack a bag, and you’ll want to do it right.  No one wants to spend their precious moments of travel searching for their favorite top, or pulling it out to find it wrinkled beyond belief!
Top five packing tips:

  1. Use packing cubes! This month’s give away is helpful and free! Keep everything stored away so you don’t have to re-fold every time you take out one pair of socks!
  2. Avoid wrinkles by packing garments with tissue paper and inside a plastic baggie!  How? Check out this great video from The Travel Channel on avoiding wrinkles!
  3. Use packing cubes like the ones recommended here from Travel and Leisure! These can be used to keep garments and other items from sliding around (avoids wrinkles) and keeps everything in it’s place!
  4. Separate items within your cubes with zip-top baggies! Label them so you know what goes back where!
  5. Have a ready-to-go health kit.  Anyone who’s traveled can tell you how frustrating it can be to find a pharmacy at 2am when you’re sick in a new city.  Keep items like Band-aids, Neosporin, pain relievers, cold medicine, medicine for stomach trouble, itch relief ointment, allergy medicines (yes, even if you don’t have allergies at home – you can be allergic to something in the air in a new place) etc.